webinar on "Satellite Navigation Systems and Role on 5G"

The Dean, School of Engineering, College of Architecture and Engineering (University of Nairobi) Prof. Ayub Gitau would like to invite you for a webinar on "Satellite Navigation Systems and Role on 5G".


The guest speaker will be Dr. Abhishek Rawat, Assistant professor from the Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management (IITRAM), Gujarat-India. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Master of Technology in Microwave and MM and Ph.D. in Smart Antenna Arrays.


Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86519495214?pwd=YjdrZ2J5dmxZNkJtSWFYTUg2WllPdz09


Date: Thursday (08 Oct 2020) at 10.00 AM


We look forward to your participation.

Event contact information

The Dean, School of Engineering, College of Architecture and Engineering (University of Nairobi) Eng. Prof. Ayub Gitau