Prof. Elijah K. Biamah, PhD, MBS, MEIK is retained as Environmental Expert for the Project.
He is tasked in supervision of safety, Health and Environment Expert.
Principal Investigator
Construction Supervision of the Eldoret Bypass Project
Your Roles / Deliverables
Supervision and Contract Review Period
Reviewing the adequacy of the Environmental, Health and Safety mitigation measures incorporated in the works
Preparation of environmental, health and safety mitigation plan to a standard acceptable to the Bank
Monitor the following environmental issues
- Water, air and noise pollution levels
- Ensure the project’s compliance with fire fighting, first aid, occupational safety and health and disaster management mitigation measures ( i.e. through training, installation of fire extinguishers and first aid kits in project sites).
- Have the Contractor prepare restoration plans for all borrow pits and quarries on completion of construction works
- Minimize risk to soil erosion
- Ensure camp sites are located at sites that minimize soil erosion and disruption to flora and fauna and water courses, provide adequate drainage, sewage treatment and waste disposal.
- Ensure that spillage of oil and lubricants in the workshops is controlled effectively
Your Roles / Deliverables
Supervision and Contract Review Period
- Have tree nurseries to provide tree seedlings for planting along the road project and in specific sites
- Ensure proper coordination of rock blasting
- Enforce implementation of ESMP and provide liaison between the contractor, the local community, keNHA, NEMA etc
Documentation and Reports
Environmental, Health and Safety aspects for Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Progress Reports
Quarterly ESMP Implementation Report that describes Environmental, Health and Safety mitigation measures undertaken by the contractor including major environmental elements of the project, adequacy of mitigation measures and effectiveness of the measures undertaken during construction
With the Sociologist, ensure that an Annual Audit is conducted by the Contractor